Just like in movies, when people resurrect from the dead and become zombies or vampires, the rules of link building changed in similar ways in the past.
The current status from Google claims that “Ranking without links is tough.” This means that you need to work hard on gaining quality links for your website.
Admittedly, Google’s ever-changing algorithm might give you some sleepless nights, but in the end, if you follow the guidelines of Google, it will be easy for your website to rank fast.
Here are some tried and tested tips that can help you gain a high rank on search engine result pages.
1. Prioritize link building
Links are like spoiled kids of Google. No matter how naughty they become, Google will always give importance to links regardless of their quality. But, inevitably, the nicest kids – links on high-value websites are treated as important and close to the heart.
When it comes to ranking better on Google, it is worth keeping in mind that links from reputable and trustworthy websites are treated as high reference sites. It means that Google will treat a link from a high-authority website differently than a low-quality site.
As one of the top-ranking factors for Google, and the most genuine way to increase traffic, doubtlessly, links are imperative to improving your search engine ranking. This is where you’ll need help from webmasters, bloggers, publishers, and get your content out there.
When you get your links out there on some reputed websites, it gives a green signal to Google, and you’ll be listed in Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs) and gain good exposure on your business.

2. Go for SEO-friendly content
Do you know that content is the foundation around which your search ranking will improve?
That’s why content marketing is getting attention and is being able to convert more customers than anything else. You just cannot write, publish content, and expect that people will rush to your website because they found you on Google search results.
Nothing of this sort happens in real life. To get the attention of users, you must plan things first, which means optimizing content for the search result pages.
Research your audience, create relevant topics, and use keywords that people are already searching for.

When you add keywords, ensure that they are added in the meta title, header, and content.
Whether you are writing 500 words landing page copy or a 2,000 words blog post, your goal should be to use the keywords most naturally. No need to do keywords stuffing.
Always remember that the purpose of your content is to entice the reader to act.
The current trend is to use long-form content. Why? Because Google prefers detailed content, and when you write something in detail, Google will take notice, and index you in their search results.
Your only concern should be that your content must add value. Just putting content out there is not a wise thing to do. Whatever content you put must be relevant to the user. And if it solves the problem of the visitor, they might use your service and refer it to their friends.
3. A Responsive website is a must
Do you know that most of the people find it easy to buy things right from their smartphones?
Brands are more focused on creating responsive websites. If you are not on mobile, it will be impossible for you to stand out from the crowd.
Google has mentioned it many times that mobile responsiveness is their priority when it comes to ranking websites. If your website is not responsive, this is a good time to do so.
With a responsive website, it will be easy for the user to view your website on any device. This means a user on mobile will see the website that is optimized for mobile while a user with a tablet will see the website as per their device specs with zero issues in the appearance of the website.
A responsive website will increase your chances of being ranked by Google.
When Google checks for mobile-responsiveness, it marks those websites that are mobile-friendly and places them on the top spot.

4. Make the most of CTR
Whether it is Search Engine Optimization (SEO) for assisted living communities or a brand agency from somewhere else, everyone has their experts that work on maximizing the Clickthrough Rate (CTR) via search results.
It’s challenging to get people to click on your website. Your job as a marketer is to increase the Clickthrough rate of your website. A high CTR indicates goodness for search results. Click To Tweet
Time after time, studies suggest that CTR has a direct impact on search results, and websites that are on top have the most CTR giving them more opportunities to convert.
You can easily boost your Clickthrough rate by following some basic tips:
Add your core keyword in the title tag.
A title between 15 – 40 characters has the most CTR.
Pages with meta descriptions get 5.8% higher CTR than the rest.
A question in the title tag will increase your CTR by 14%.
5. SEO-friendly images and videos
If you plan on using images and videos on your website, it is often a good practice to optimize them for SEO as well.
For instance, instead of using 1234.jpeg in an image, it is better to name the image and add an alternate tag along with the image that will make it easy for the search engine to index the images in the right order.
The same goes for the videos. If the title of the video is not SEO-friendly, it will be difficult to grab the user’s attention, and also Google will not give importance to that.
Wrapping it up
A link building strategy is something that will not just rank you high in SERPs, it will drive an insane amount of traffic on your website.
When you combine all of the above techniques, you’ll get results. And these results will help you to get a top position in search result pages.
But above all, everything will come down to patience. When you try a technique, be patient with it. SEO takes time, and for better results, you should do your research before you apply any or a new SEO tip.
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