SEO Must-Knows for Digital Marketers in 2020: Best Approaches

Online marketing aspects have become one of the ever-evolving entities over time. The continuous updates in Google’s ranking policies have led to changes in many aspects that introduce differences in the search result ranking of websites. These changes directly impact a website as it can lose its position in the search engine ranks. And the digital marketers may have to start from the beginning again.

With the upcoming year 2020, it becomes crucial for digital marketers to prepare for the forthcoming changes in advance to ensure no harm comes to their efforts, and they keep receiving the best results for their actions that are required to be done in the right direction.

SEO Trends for 2020: It’s All About Ranking Algorithm Updates

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) trends are required to be traced at every moment to keep an eye on the achieved ranks, and the effects of the SEO efforts and strategies put in place. The following are the top changes 2020 will bring in the field of SEO and that every digital marketer should be prepared to welcome.

1. Users in Limelight with BERT Algorithm

We all know about Google’s new BERT algorithm update and the possible reflections it can cause on the SEO efforts in place. With the changing phase of algorithms, every professional is dying to know the tricks to optimize for this algorithm. However, instead of focusing on the technical aspects, the goal of this algorithm is very simple and easy to understand. It only wants to enhance the user experience.

The use of Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) has increased as ever in the ranking process, and we all know there is no turning back. As the search queries become crucial than ever, they are the reason BERT can offer excellent and more relevant search results.

Yes, now the ranking algorithms will be focused upon the intention behind the query a user searches for instead of the keywords in it. The use of keywords will shortly become limited for optimization, and the content will be required to be subject-oriented to let the search engines know what a particular result tries to provide.

Users are always kept at the center of every marketing activity and ranking algorithm designs, but the focus on their likes and possible intentions are in the limelight. The content is required to be crafted accordingly to offer the best services to customers. In essence, 2020 will need digital marketers to focus on their SEO. And prove that their content fits the user requirements well.

2. Reputation Management: Redefined

How about Google becoming the detective and looking into every tiny detail to check the effectiveness of your reputation management campaigns? An unexpected move and an increase in the level of difficulty. But if you really can stick to doing your best and pass this challenging test, you can save your client from any potential harm.

Google will be checking the efforts on three pioneer aspects: expertise, authority, and trustworthiness. A company will only be gaining organic visibility if it has enough SEO efforts put behind it. Examining the schema, quality of content, and the truth in the regularly posted news- Google is indeed putting trustworthiness in one of the crucial factors for building a company’s reputation online.

The attention to a company will only be given if it keeps the status of all its offline activities, awards, recognizations and more updated. Moreover, the presence over reputed review websites, customer interaction, and reviews on the services also count.

For example, if a development firm is offering gojek clone development, Google will check for the client reviews that declare the app to be safe and worth investing. Hence, the content posted online will matter, and so will the truthfulness of it.

3. Content Becomes Crucial Aspect

Digital marketing is all about promoting a business or its services through the best possible online resources. And SEO helps with building a brand identity online that helps in increasing visibility. But in every effort of digital marketing, content plays a vital role. And Google is about to increase its importance more than ever by introducing search relevancy.

As discussed earlier, the focus will shift to the goal behind a search query rather than the keywords used. It means, now the digital marketer has to focus upon generating content that fits the intention of the search queries rather than the keyword placement. The relevance with the purpose will become the primary aspect for increasing the rank of a web page or a post in the SERP.

Without relevant content, it will soon become almost impossible to rank in search engines, and hence, the digital marketers soon have to connect to customers to know what they want. The more business gets connected to its customers, the better the chances to understand what customers want and secure their online identity.

4. SEO Takes Center Stage: Wait, It’s “Technical SEO!”

User experience has always been a top priority for Google. And to create an identity that gets recommended over time, it is essential to consider the measures that easily get affected. And User Experience (UX) is surely given priority when it comes to delivering an excellent user experience.

Technical SEO for UX tends to bag the attention of many, and the digital marketer should focus on these technical aspects. The websites will get analyzed for their user-friendliness and later ranked to ensure users get the best of them all. The page templates should be assessed well to ensure they don’t lack at any point when it comes to performing on user devices.

The aspects like responsiveness, mobile-friendly pages, content optimization, and more should be considered when it comes to assessing the pages to ensure they are marketing ready and capable enough to serve users around the world.

5. Elimination of Content Cannibalization

The previous SEO tricks have become predictable for Google now. 2020 will introduce another significant change in the SEO field as the content cannibalization will get almost eliminated with the upcoming algorithms updates. Instead, the cannibalized pages will knock each other out of the search results and will prove to be a complete waste of time and energy.

If a business has made similar pages for a single product, it might not turn out beneficial and can negatively affect the results. Moreover, as Google will be able to catch this, there is barely a chance of recovery. Therefore, considering the changing times and updates, it is important to consider changing the strategies that can benefit you and keep on performing your best SEO practices.

6. Brand Building

Links will become an essential resource for building a brand. Acquiring those top-tier links is not easy, but the best efforts are required to be put forward to ensure the best results are obtained. The focus will shift to better link building that can drive increased traffic and conversion rates.

As Google will also consider quality traffic an essential criterion for assessing a brand, the digital marketers have to put their best efforts in place to ensure the best results are obtained. 

Brand building requires a business to establish its identity among users first and later acquire their trust to achieve a good position in search results. Click To Tweet The marketing aspects must be centered towards increasing the user focus and considering their needs to provide increased visibility to brands.

7. Increase Visibility

Link building induces higher rank in results which can surely help increase the visibility of a business. But are all the efforts aligned to ultimately convert a viewer to a user? Digital marketers have to consider the aspects that not only lead to increased visibility but also provide higher user conversion rates. The traffic should increase, but it must be relevant to the domain.

The use of search snippets will increase as it helps reach the target audiences that promise higher conversion. Every intelligent and experienced marketer has the theory of increasing the conversion, and this update will help them put their best efforts and strategies to use.

The organic rankings must be highly optimized to provide excellent services and offer exclusive right to reaching potential audiences. And the increased visibility of a business should reflect the right changes that can help with the changing needs of users. All the dots connecting together to help create a brand should be taken into consideration to ensure there are no loose ends when it comes to increasing visibility of a business.

8. Mobile Users in Focus

According to Statista, 52.6% of website traffic gets generated from mobile devices. Hence, the number of users using mobile phones to access the internet is increasing by leaps and bounds. And this alerts the marketers to put appropriate actions in place that can help them reach the maximum of mobile audiences and consider user experience as an essential criterion.

The website performance must be optimized to suit the mobile era and provide the best support to users on their mobile screen. Making the websites mobile-friendly, optimizing the website content, responsive designs, and more should be considered as the best practices to improve the SEO and let the website gain more audiences with faster loading experience on mobile devices.

Alternatively, the use of Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMPs) can be done to offer a mobile app-like experience on every mobile device that runs using the browsers only. Mobile users should be given equal importance and business should ensure that they are delivered the right experience.

9. Schema and Search Snippets

As mentioned earlier, attracting quality traffic to your website will become more than necessary to ensure the website gets a boost in the search results. And with the smart use of structured data, it will become easier to ensure quality traffic gets generated. The use of chatbots will introduce excellent and complete support to user queries all the time and will also help in garnering more data than ever to understand what users want.

Also, the use of data analytics becomes more present than ever to efficiently craft the next strategies as the existing structured data help with improving the performance. Turning out to be a beneficial change in the year 2020, it will simply help maintain the best practices of digital marketing to offer the best results.

The support from a variety of trusted plugins to structure the data right and the manual efforts of maintaining the best practices to generate useful data, it helps build an excellent reputation. And it increases the effectiveness of marketing strategies put in place.


Upcoming trends of digital marketing are based on the technological changes that are introduced by artificial intelligence, machine learning, chatbots, and more. The increased use of this technology in marketing procedures presents efficiency and accuracy in the results generated. 

But the same turns out to be the elimination of poor performances and less effective SEO attempts. The increased use will benefit the digital marketers, but, at the same time, will make it difficult to win over a situation using the old tricks from their sack. The changing trends demand change in strategies and approaches and ensure only the best attempts get to win the hearts of users.

By shifting the focus on improving the user experience, it proves the effectiveness by supporting the changing demands of the market and introduces changes that can lead to switching to better efforts to generate the best results. Digital marketing concepts are supposed to be updated with the change in time and business updates. 

While giving a boost to a client’s website, the marketers also analyze their performance and update their concepts accordingly to achieve the best results. The change in ranking algorithms and digital marketing concepts introduce new ways of coping mechanisms that demand unique approaches to be put into effect.

The year 2020 will bring out the best of every marketing approach that can lead to increased use of tools and enhanced concepts to deliver the best user experience. The insights generated from a marketing strategy will ensure to provide the best and resolved information to help understand the customers better.

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    Deep Moteria: Deep is an aspiring entrepreneur and blogger having led 75+ startups on the right path with their information-admiring content. He crafts content on topics including on-demand services like app like uber, gojek clone, finances, technology trends and many more.