Why Content Marketing Matters

We have come a long way since the days when content marketing was a buzzword. If you’re new to the concept, it is a complex and important marketing field, and you can expect to have a lot of questions and confusion before you start putting together the pieces of a good strategy. 

Here’s the deal:

Content marketing is a method of improving the overall experience on the internet by using the power of search and social media to provide more relevant content and better customer service. Content marketing is a great way to attract customers, and in turn, help your business grow.

It’s important that you start thinking about your marketing efforts with the right goal in mind. That being said, don’t be too concerned about what exactly it is that your business wants to accomplish with your content marketing efforts. For businesses that want to increase sales and profits, the main goal is to attract customers. By doing so, you’ll increase the likelihood of them buying what you sell. Isn’t that awesome?

That said, your business isn’t solely driven by how well you can capture customers – you also need to focus on how you can improve the way you sell. That is, you need to improve your product or service to attract customers. The main idea behind content marketing is to generate content that can attract customers and lead them to your brand. Click To Tweet To do that, you have to have a good strategy for content creation. If you don’t, you won’t be able to generate leads.
As much as content marketing is about creating value for your customers through your content, it’s also about giving them value in return. When it comes to content marketing, finding the right content that works for you is as important as the content itself. This is important because it not only entertains your audience but also educates them.

Why Does Content Marketing Matter to a Business? 

A big part of content marketing is the fact that it’s a form of marketing. The content, you might say, is being “sold” by your business in a marketing strategy. This makes the content more than just a bunch of text – it’s now a tangible, actionable result of your business.

You can create any type of content you want for your business, whether it’s blog posts, white papers, infographics, videos, eBooks, presentations, surveys, or even the most traditional marketing tool of all – your sales pages.

Content marketing is an important tool for building and growing your business. There are plenty of ways you can use content marketing to grow your business. So, we decided to bring you some of the most common content marketing topics.

1. How to Get Noticed

You can use social media to share your content, but there is one really important thing you should be aware of—the number of people who will actually see your content after posting. There is nothing like building up the buzz around your content to get more people to view it. If your content is well-received, you can expect to increase your feature or get featured. You can also expect a lot of traffic, especially on social media, as people are looking for content like yours.

2. How to Create Content

Creating content is one of the most important activities you can get involved in with your business. You’ll be amazed by how much you can do with a little help!

If you’re a web designer, content marketing is one of the most important strategies you can implement with your website.

If you’re a web developer, content marketing is surely a vital part of the development process. Without it, you won’t have the resources to complete your website in the first place!

3. The Three Steps of Content Marketing

When we think about content marketing, it’s important to be honest about what it really involves. For many marketers, content marketing isn’t just about putting content out there. It’s about creating relationships and building awareness, and it’s about having a goal.

That goal can be about reaching a specific audience (e.g., your email list) or about creating awareness.

To determine your goal, there are a few questions you need to ask yourself.

What exactly is my goal? What does it mean to reach that goal? What are my competitors doing? How can I stand out?

Once you know what your goal is, you can figure out how you can get there by following the three steps to content marketing.

Step #1: Identify Your Customers

First, identify your customers. It could be a person, business, or project. Identify what they need and ask yourself why. Is it a product or a service? Are they looking for a specific feature? Do they want to test the product before buying? Are they a reseller or a consultant? How are they using the product?

Next, ask yourself whether they are going to purchase your product. Can they afford it? Will they use it every day? How many features does it have? What are their current needs and expectations for the product?

This will help you decide whether your product or service is suitable for their needs. Once you have the answer to those questions, you need to start building and testing a content marketing strategy that would be tailored to their needs.

Step #2: Identify Your Goals

As you review your existing content marketing, you should identify what you hope to accomplish with each piece of content.

To do this, look at the purpose of each piece. Is it going to get people talking about you or your business? Is it going to bring in more traffic to your website? Is it going to help people convert on your website or help you improve your conversions?

Step #3: Figure Out Your Content Marketing Strategy

As you identify your content marketing goals, you will want to start looking into your content marketing strategy.

You should use this strategy to identify how you can write compelling, high-quality content for your site. Then you can take this strategy into account when crafting your content marketing plan. This strategy includes things like:

  • What kind of content do you want to create?
  • How will you identify and promote it?
  • What kinds of things will make your content stick to your site?
  • What kinds of content will you share with your audience and with other sites?
  • What kinds of content will you create to promote your own business, brand, or company?
  • What will your audience and other sites that you intend to reach want to see?
  • What kind of outreach are you going to use to get these things?

It’s okay to decide on your own that your content and the content you share with your audience is valuable. You might not even know you’re doing it yet.

Factors to Consider in Content Marketing

Once you have identified which audience, market, or target your content is best for, there are several factors to consider before creating a content that is relevant to that market or target.

Content Quality

Content which has a higher level of quality will be viewed more positively. Quality comes at a cost, though. The more time it takes to create a great article or blog post, the greater the initial investment. It’s all about understanding your audience, ensuring you’re talking to the people who are likely to buy your product or service, and providing an effective value proposition.

Content Copy

This is the most important factor in creating sales results. Copy that clearly and concisely communicates your product and the value you want to deliver to the reader is a must. It’s all about getting your message across. If you don’t have a compelling message or value proposition, people are unlikely to read what you have to say, and the results will simply fall flat. You can employ the use of SEO tools to ensure a quality copy

Content Frequency

It’s not enough to create quality content on a weekly or monthly basis. You should make sure your content is being read and that the frequency of your posts is optimal. This could be a huge problem if your content is not easily discoverable. Content should be well regulated in order to avoid overdoing it and boring the consumers in the process. 

Content Marketing Strategy

According to research from the Content Marketing Institute (CMI) and MarketingProfs, over 63% of businesses lack a documented content marketing strategy. A content marketing strategy is an investment, not an expense. Click To Tweet Your content marketing strategy should include a plan to publish content at the right time and in the right format to reach the right audience. You should look at the content you are producing and make sure it isn’t just spam. 

A good content marketing strategy will help you drive traffic to your website from all sources and make sure that the visitors are properly engaged. The most successful content marketing strategy will focus on:

  • Targeting the right keywords to drive visitors to your site
  • Sourcing quality content for your target audiences
  • Providing value and value-added products and services for your audience

With the right content strategy, you will need to define how you want to communicate. What will be in that content? For example, you might want to create a blog post with a good title, and use it as a marketing resource for your products. That way, you have a very well-written post but not all that much content behind it. Here are some guidelines for creating a content strategy for a product or service business:

  1. It should focus on the needs and wants of users, not the needs and wants of marketers.
  2. Your content is not just about promoting a product or service to a select group of people. You should also be looking to engage people with a broader spectrum of topics.
  3. Content should engage as many people as possible – no one is buying your content, and your content won’t change anyone’s behavior.
  4. Your content should be from a company standpoint so that you don’t neglect your company’s voice and purpose.
  5. Content is not about advertising or selling products. It’s about informing and entertaining customers and giving them the power to choose.
  6. Content should not be just about making a buck for the company. It should be about improving and enriching people’s lives.
  7. Content should be in the context of the brand and the company. The best content is a conversation with the customer.

Your content marketing strategy should include a plan to publish content at the right time and in the right format in order to reach the right audience. Content marketing works better than paid advertising when it comes to building brand trust. Click To Tweet It is the next best thing to traditional marketing. It’s fast, it’s effective, and it’s easy to do. It’s also a great way to grow your business when done correctly.

Bottom Line

Finally, content marketing is vital for your brand or business website to stay in the top position in search engines. The right content should complement your product or service offerings. And if done right, your website will rank highly. Content is the key ingredient to your website’s success. 

The key to content marketing success is to choose a niche-based strategy. In this strategy, you narrow down your content choices by using keywords that you already have in your target audience’s databases. The purpose is to help you reach new and engaged audiences.

As the content market grows, the number of people engaging with it will increase exponentially. Content marketing is becoming more important and more valuable to businesses. Businesses need to start implementing a content marketing strategy in order to reach their target audience and convert their users into paying customers. 

If you’ve been struggling to break into the market or even to make your first sales, you now have a good idea of how to go about.

Interested in taking your business to the next level? Reach out to us through the form below and let’s help transform your business into a sales machine!

    Nick Galov: Nick Galov, Content Manager at review42.com. Nick is on a mission to improve the world of web hosting for some time now. When he got the chance to contribute to the betterment of all kinds of software, he simply couldn't say no. When not geeking it out, he enjoys lager and football.