Infographic: 25+ Common SEO Mistakes That You Might Be Making

To improve your brand’s online presence, optimizing your site for users and search engines is very important. For this, you need to make use of the best SEO practices. This will help improve your site’s performance and functionality, thereby enhancing user experience leading to higher rankings on the SERPs. The benefits of proper SEO implementation are many; increase traffic, lower bounce rate, higher click-through-rate, increased sales and conversion.

However, the opposite of this is also true, i.e. if you implement redundant SEO techniques, it can hamper your site’s ranking as well as traffic. Worse yet, it could lead to your site’s being penalized by Google. This, in turn, can hurt your site’s credibility. Thus, it is important to know what these SEO mistakes are, as this will help you rectify them before it causes more harm.

So, what are these common SEO mistakes that you might be making?

Over-optimization of keywords a.k.a. keyword stuffing tops the list of common SEO mistakes. This is also a black-hat SEO technique and as such, it is important that you fix this post-haste. To rectify this you can make use of LSI search terms and phrases. This will help you to avoid stuffing your pages/posts with keywords.

Another common mistake is slow website speed. Here it is important to note that website speed is considered a ranking factor by Google. Sluggish page speed and download time lead to poor user experience, which, in turn, affects your ranking. Thus, improving your site’s speed is essential. For this, you can make use of tools like GTmetrix and Pingdom. These tools will help you to analysis your site and offer helpful suggestions on how to speed up your site’s speed.

SEE ALSO: Guide to a Successful Social Media Stretegy [INFOGRAPHIC]

Like these, there are a few other SEO mistakes that you might be making, which needs to be rectified. Hence, here is an infographic on SEO mistakes that’ll help you to quickly identify these mistakes and rectify them. So, go ahead and check it out now!

25+ Common SEO Mistakes That Are Killing Your Website [Infographic] by the team at Hosting Clues

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    Natalie Christen: