Effective Inbound Marketing Launches Luxury Marketing Campaign

Leading digital agency, Effective Inbound Marketing, debuts marketing bundle for businesses in big-ticket markets to help close the gap between brands and their consumers in terms of reach.

“We understand that a lot of businesses have designed great products and services that will be highly beneficial to their target market. But their biggest area of challenge is finding the right marketing team to help them devise an effective marketing campaign that’ll reach the audience,” says Ayodeji Onibalusi, the founder of Effective Inbound Marketing.

“Our luxury marketing campaign is designed for the businesses that have taken their time to create quality solutions for their target audience. Ideally, these brands understand who their market is and know how much value getting their message to them is to their brand. We’re only here to help make that a reality, without hurting their budget.”

Marketing to big-ticket consumers like those featured in the client portfolio of the luxury marketing bundle is not as easy as it looks on paper. A thousand and one thoughts must go into every statement and every content. That said, businesses can do with the wealth of experience we’ve gained over a decade of marketing for businesses in almost all professional industry.

Priced at just under $8,000, the campaign is cheaper than the entry-level cost of marketing at many big-name agencies. Yet, it delivers 10X the value.

Known for quality content, Effective Inbound Marketing has been the marketing agency of choice for businesses within North America and Europe.

“In the fast-paced world of social media, we’ve come to be recognized for the speed at which our creative team delivers quality content to serve our clients’ needs,” says Ayodeji. “Prospective clients can have confidence in the fact that their businesses would be well taken care of and their campaign expectations would be met and exceeded.”

When you sign up for the luxury marketing bundle, here’s what you’d be getting:

  • One Press Release (Full Feature), with your brand video and images, with unlimited word-count, distributed to over a thousand outlets and guaranteed on over 300 online media news sites.
  • One year content calendar, with content ideas, keyword research, recommended word-count and keyword density
  • Website content strategy with optional competitor analysis
  • Placement in 2 premium publications: (some of our clients have been in FoxNews! Business Insider, Entrepreneur, Forbes, and more.)
  • One month website content

For more information on requirements and inquiries on how to proceed, do get in touch with us through the form below and one of our sales team will respond to you within 24hrs.

Get in touch.

Ayodeji Onibalusi: This post is written by Ayodeji Onibalusi founder of Effective Inbound Marketing. Effective Inbound Marketing is a content-driven marketing agency. You can read about the services we offer. Follow Ayodeji on twitter.