4 Trends in Hiring Talent for Your Content Marketing

Over 4 million blog posts are published everyday on the internet. You have a brand. Putting it out there is in your best interest. Despite the high publishing rate, you have no choice but to add your contents to the already crowded online database.

You are competing against many other marketers. It goes without saying, that you need to implement every trick in the book to have an edge. Simply put: your contents must stand out. The big question is, how can you make that happen?

Go down to the basics. How do you create your contents? Who are the people executing your content marketing?

Having a fat content marketing budget might get you placements on the biggest media, but it takes substance to engage your audience and ultimately convert. If your content marketing is watery, the audience you are trying to impress will be anything but interested.

Here are 4 content marketing trends to incorporate in hiring talent.

1. Prioritize quality over quantity

Content marketing isn’t a game of numbers. You could have 10 contents out there that are doing nothing but occupying space.

With the open-door policy of the internet, anyone can become a content creator. There are many writers online these days, it seems writing is the next big thing. But how many of them produce content that not only engages the reader but also converts?

A result-oriented content marketing outlines your goals, and identifies strategies on how to achieve them. It requires top talents who have the creative abilities to produce high-quality pieces and the skills to figure out effective tools for dissemination.

Good content increases your brand awareness and showcases your expertise in your field. It gives prospects the validation they need about your competence. You are better off engaging one content marketing expert that knows their onion than engaging many people.

2. Choose people with multiple skills

Having established the need to prioritize quality by engaging content marketing professionals, take it further by maximizing your human resources.

Content marketing entails a series of activities combined to achieve desired goals. The best candidates are those who offer services that cover various aspects of the job from content creation to media placements.

Look out for experts who, over the years, have built a professional relationship with top media outlets. Their works have established them as authorities in the field. Recognizing their expertise, these outlets give them the opportunity to publish contents on their platforms. Rather than incurring additional cost on media placements, you can get a better deal with your content marketer.

3. Make your brand attractive

Top content marketing talents are high in demand, and they know this. While they may be excited at the prospect of landing a good deal, they are also aware that other organizations are willing to pay for their services.

A high content marketing budget could get you talking to the best talents in the industry. But when other organizations competing for their attention have a similar budget, your brand power comes to play. Beyond monetary rewards, professionals seek career value. They want to work with organizations that will give them a boost and project them onto the next big opportunity.

Put in the work to create a good brand online presence. Let your prospective talents see something they’d gain from working with you other than the money you are offering.

An active social media is a good start. Project your brand values. Connect with other industry experts.

4. Pick talents who understand your vision

Hiring an expert who doesn’t see what you see for your brand is counterproductive. They may be good at the general job requirements, but terrible at executing tasks to suit the individuality of your brand. After taking instructions, they may not follow through diligently, or try to do things their own way. Conflict is inevitable when both of you aren’t on the same page.

Intimate prospects of your vision for your brand. Ask them about how they intend to assist you in bringing it to life. Pay attention to their answers to your questions. If they sound off talking about it, their actual work might be off too.

There’s no room for mediocrity in today’s content marketing. Every brand is trying to make the most of digital marketing opportunities. Doing this effectively, entails pushing other brands into oblivion. You need the best hands to be relevant in your market.

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Chris Odogwu: Chris Odogwu is an experienced freelance content writer. His expertise cuts across business, media, public relations and advertising. Connect with him on LinkedIn.