The success of a blog is highly dependent the type of content that goes into it and how how frequently the blog is updated with high quality content. Big businesses that have discovered that blogging is an important key in inbound marketing can easily unlock the potential to great traffic by having a significant number of content go into the blog regularly. This is a feat most small businesses are unable to achieve.
Even though you’re not a big company with enough cash to hire multiple in-house bloggers, you can still use some simple tricks to maintain a frequently updated blog while still keeping cost down. This blog post shares top 7 ways to maintain a frequently updated blog.
#1. Write Shorter Blog Posts
This comes as the first trick to maintaining a frequently updated blog because it’s the easiest but most overlooked factor in blogging frequency for small businesses. Yes, every content marketing expert seem to lay so much emphases on how long form content will draw more search traffic to your website. But have you considered what happens when you’re unable to keep up with such high standards of content that you end up producing nothing?

No one is well of ideas, and, unless you master the craft of generating new unique content everyday you’re better off publishing shorter blog posts on your blog than leaving your blog empty till it turns into a ghost town. You could also apply method #3 and tweak the tool to focus on a few long form content and more shorter content for the sake of consistency
HoffingtonPost is able to generate so much traffic to its website because the website is constantly updated with new content. When it comes to keeping traffic up, the length of your blog post is not what matters. What matters is how relevant the information in the blog post is to whoever is reading it.
Check out: Ingredients of Highly Viral Contents
#2. Cover Latest Events

No matter how boring your industry is, something worth telling is always happening around the corner. A lot of people may not be interested in it, but for you, what matters is how you tell it in your blog post. By blogging about the latest happenings in your industry, not only are you keeping your blog fresh with new content but you’re also opening the floodgates to traffic for your website.
#3. Use an Editorial Calendar
Every inbound marketer has several tools they use to keep traffic flowing to their website and if you get the chance to ask any of them, the editorial calendar is usually on their top priority. By keeping an editorial calender, you are able to put your ideas down in an easy to use form.

The toughest aspect of coming up with new blog posts is finding ideas to blog about. This is where your editorial calendar comes to rescue you because you’ll already have ideas you want to blog about stored in your editorial calendar in form of blog post titles and subtitles.
To make sure your editorial calendar works for you, it is very important to follow the schedule you’ve set out for yourself. In case you skip a date on your schedule, re-edit the calendar and plan the idea for that day to be used for a future date.
See: Top 28 Link Building Experts Share One Link Building Mistake To Avoid
#4. Interview Experts
Coming up with interview questions is not usually tough. Seek out for a well respected authority in your niche and set questions that are very relevant and seasonal for the expert to answer. This approach will give your some content to have on your blog while boosting the popularity of your website because the expert will be sharing the interview to his/her followers.

#5. Review Other Businesses
Yes, this is also a great way to keep your blog fresh with new content. You may think that the idea of reviewing another business on your website will be counterproductive, but trust me it helps. When you review the product or service of another business on your website, not only are you showing your readers that you’re transparent about the information you share with them, you’re also opening up a warm relations with the other business.

#6. Create Round-Ups
Creating round-ups is one of the most common but surefire ways to keep your blog fresh with contents. Round-ups may come in form of lists of top valuable blog posts, infographics or videos or as a collection of best expert opinions of the week. Creating a round-up is not an easy task and usually requires several weeks of planning before your content comes to completion.
Thinking of creating your first expert round-up? Check out Richard Marriot’s tips on how to get responses from busy people and ensure your round-up is a success.
#7. Curate Content
Content curation can help you serve two purposes: generate fresh content for your blog and help your readers easily find high quality blogs to read. Find a selection of quality blogs that are closely related to your industry and have a track record of publishing high standard content on a regular bases. Sieve through the top contents about the subject of your interest and select the best blogs for curation on your blog.

When curating contents, all you need to display on your blog are short clips and titles of the original blog posts. Publishing the entire article of a blog will result in duplicate content and can get your site penalized by Google. You can go through Beth’s epic post on content curation to get a full understanding of how content curation is done.
For content marketing to work effectively for your business, blogging consistently is a must. Creating new contents for your blog should not be so tough. Use the methods I just shared in this blog post and your days of lack of contents will soon be behind you.
Do you have any ideas on how to keep your blog fresh with content? Share your tips with us in the comment section.